Proceeding Seminar Evangelium Vitae

Published the proceedings of the October 2015 Seminar on Evangelium Vitae "Enciclica Evangelium Vitae: the Encyclical Twenty years later"

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Evangelium Vitae: The Encyclical Twenty Years Later is a collection of the Proceedings of the October 2015 Seminar held by the Pontifical Academy for Life to reflect on this very important papal document twenty years after its promulgation by St. John Paul II.

The collected attempts to provide a framework for understanding the origin and importance of the Encyclical, identify unresolved moral challenges; examining the relationship between moral law and secular law and between democracy and the common good, and for identifying the common thread that ties together Evangelium Vitaeand Laudato sì.


The volume includes the papers of Archbishop Ignacio Carrasco de Paula “(Evangelium Vitae: Origin and Meaning of the Encyclical”); Rev. Prof. Maurizio Faggioni (“Unresolved Challenges to a Morality of Life Twenty Years After Evangelium Vitae”); Rev. Prof. Angel Rodríguez Luño (“The Relationship between Moral Law and Secular Law”); Prof. Francesco d’Agostino (“Democracy and the Common Good”); Prof. Teodora Rossi (“Evangelium Vitaeand Laudato sì: Research Perspectives”).


The publication is available directly from Pliniana: