Here we are


We are a small group of researchers, women and men sharing friendship, who gathered around the fire of a project, which Vincenzo Paglia has lit and which Pierangelo Sequeri has fed: for the benefit of the human being we care about. In the gestures and words of his ministry, Pope Francis has invited us a thousand times to cultivate the sincerest sensitivity for justice in the world; a thousand times he has asked us to translate it into forms of responsibility, which bring together the work of culture and knowledge. Under his influence, we met and confronted, all involved in the beauty and wounds of our time. We began to listen to people's voices, reasons and fears: to then try to fully understand them. Our project thus took the form of a call: a call to women and men, loved by the Lord, so that, all together - getting on the same 'ark' - we choose to save fraternity, which precedes us and awaits us. 


About us

Vincenzo Paglia


Vincenzo Paglia, Archbishop, President of the Pontifical Academy for Life, Grand Chancellor of the John Paul II Pontifical Theological Institute for Marriage and Family Sciences.

Pierangelo Sequeri


Pierangelo Sequeri, theologian, Dean of the John Paul II Pontifical Theological Institute for Marriage and Family Sciences.


Kurt Appel, full professor of Fundamental Theology and director of the Interdisciplinary Research Center Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society  (University of Wien - Austria). Link 


João Manuel Duque,  full professor at the Faculty of Theology of the Catholic University of Portugal (Lisbon). Link

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Giovanni Cesare Pagazzi, full professor of Theology, John Paul II Pontifical Theological Institute for Marriage and Family Sciences. Link


Lucia Vantini, president of the Coordination of Italian Women Theologians. Professor of Philosophical Anthropology and Fundamental Theology in Verona (Italy). Link




Carlo Casalone SJ, Ordinary Member of the Pontifical Academy for Life. Link


Isabella Guanzini, full professor of Fundamental Theology at the Catholic University of Linz (KU Linz, Austria).  Link

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Vincenzo Rosito, full professor of History and Culture of family institutions at the John Paul II Pontifical Theological Institute for Marriage and Family Sciences. Link 


Dario Cornati, professor of Metaphysics, Fundamental Theology, Philosophy of Religion, at the Theological Faculty of Northern Italy (Milan). Link 

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Marcello Neri, professor, Istituto superiore di scienze dell'educazione G. Toniolo, Modena (Italy). Link


Gemma Serrano, extraordinary professor of fundamental theology; Director of the Canonical license (Notre-Dame Faculty, Collège des Bernardins), Director of the research department on the relationship between theology and digital. Link

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