The Pontifical Academy for Life is made up of the Ordinary Members, Corresponding Members, Honorary Members and Young Researcher Members. Appointment as a Member of the Academy requires proven willingness to work collaboratively with the Academy in a spirit of service and solely for the accomplishment of its specific responsibilities.
There may be up to seventy Ordinary Members at any one time. They are appointed for a term of five years by the Holy Father after hearing the opinion of the Governing Council and on the basis of their academic qualifications, proven professional integrity, professional expertise and faithful service in the defense and promotion of the right to life of every human person.
Certain Academicians, devoted in a particular way to life and to the activity of the Academy, are appointed Honorary Members by the Holy Father.
Corresponding Members are selected by the Governing Council and appointed by it for a term of five years, on the basis of their professional integrity and professional expertise and their acknowledged commitment to the promotion and protection of human life.
Young Researcher Members come from fields that are related to the Academy’s own areas of research, are not older than thirty-five, and are chosen and appointed by the Governing Council for a term of five years, which can be renewed once.