ARGENTINA - 26/30 August 2023

Elderly Protection / Palliative Care

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Vatican City, Aug. 28, 2023.- On Monday, Aug. 28 in Buenos Aires, at the headquarters of the Catholic University of Argentina (UCA), under the patronage of the Pontifical Academy for Life, the "Declaration of the Abrahamic Religions: Elderly persons in contemporary society and their protection" was signed. From L.: Fr. R. Revello, Abp. V. Paglia, Rab. F. Szlajen, Sheik A. Cerrilla.

Press Release

Comunicato Stampa

Nota de Prensa

       Declaration of the Abrahamic Religions ENG SPA

Photogallery Argentina

CHILE - 24/26 August 2023

Photogallery Chile

FAO_ Flyer - Conversatorio prevenir y reducir las perdidas y los desperdicios de alimentos en el contexto de la Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutriconal. Un reto intersectorial

«Discarding food means discarding people. This discarding of people, not food, is intolerable, unbearable, a source of immense shame. And we are responsible for it before God and history». Full text Spanish

Gráfica 25 de agosto

«Palliative care is about caring for people and their needs, always with respect for human dignity. This is a perspective that should never be missing, not only in the last days of life. But putting it into practice requires a cultural revolution in medicine and in society as a whole». Full text Spanish - Video

Grafica 26 de agosto

«It is necessary to "take care" of the sick person, even when he or she can no longer recover. Paradoxically, however, this aspect of medicine is in danger of being neglected and sometimes unfortunately ignored. Just look at how low the number of students in both medical and nursing courses is who are willing to devote themselves to caring for the person near death and especially the elderly person. These are poorly rewarding professional fields compared to other specialties far more coveted by recent graduates».

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Monseñor Vincenzo Paglia: “Acompañar siempre, paliar el dolor, pero no dar muerte; la eutanasia es una derrota”

“Que el trabajo sucio de la muerte lo haga la muerte”, dice el presidente de la Pontificia Academia para la Vida, de gira por Sudamérica con el propósito de impulsar “una nueva concepción de la vejez”. El gobierno italiano le ha confiado a este alto funcionario vaticano la redacción de una ley para reflejar esos cambios en la atención a los ancianos… (Por Claudia Peiró - Infobae)