AI Ethics Forum - Abp. Paglia in Japan

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Pope Francis' Message - Hiroshima July 10, 2024

The Abu Dhabi Forum for Peace partners with the Pontifical Academy for Life and Religions for Peace Japan for a historic multi-faith event in Hiroshima, focusing on AI ethics. The two-day conference (July 9-10, 2024) features prominent religious leaders and academics addressing the ethical implications of artificial intelligence.

AI Ethics for Peace: World Religions commit to the Rome Call - Press Release

Hiroshima, Japan - July 10th, 2024. Eleven World Religions, sixteen new signatories, thirteen nations in attendance, more than 150 participants: these are some of the numbers of AI Ethics for Peace, the historic multi-religious event held in Hiroshima, Japan, on July 9th and 10th. The event was greeted by Pope Francis with a dedicated tweet and a message, which read, "Recognizing the contribution of the cultural riches of peoples and religions in the regulation of artificial intelligence is key to the success of your commitment to the wise management of technological innovation."

AI Ethics for Peace: World Religions commit to the Rome Call - Press Release

Hiroshima, Japan - July 9th, 2024. "All religions are called to work together for the good of humanity inhabiting this planet, and for the preservation of the planet itself, the common home of every living being. This concerns every aspect of our lives, and therefore also every new tool that technological progress makes available to us. Artificial intelligence is one of them: a great tool with unlimited possibilities of application, it can and must be guided so that its potential serves the good since the moment of its design. This is our common responsibility, and in this shared effort we can rediscover real brotherhood. At Hiroshima, a place of the highest symbolic value, we strongly invoke peace, and we ask that technology be a driver of peace and reconciliation among peoples. We stand here, together, to say loudly that standing together and acting together is the only possible solution."

Abp. Paglia visits Japan - AI Ethics Forum

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What does it mean to safeguard human life in this technological time? On July 7th, Archbishop Vincenzo Pagliahaspresented the activities of the Pontifical Academy for Life at the Shinseikk Cultural Center in Tokyo. Archbishop Paglia is in Japan from July 6 to 15, to present the Pontifical Academy for Life and for the signing of the Rome Call for AI Ethics by representatives of World Religions. 

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