Palliative Care, Canada, 21-23 May

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The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Pontifical Academy for Life have realized a Symposium on Palliative Care in Toronto, Canada, on May 21 and 23: Towards a Narrative of Hope: An International Interfaith Symposium on Palliative Care.




The White Book on Palliative Care

Welcome Address - Abp. Vincenzo Paglia

Welcome Address - Canadian Bishops Conference


Pope Francis' Message. Palliative Care is a concrete sign of closeness and solidarity with our brothers and sisters who are suffering. - ENG - FR -

Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia's Opening Speech - ITA - FR -


Videos - Voices from the Symposium - ENG - FR -

Unlocking Hope: Highlights from the International Interfaith Symposium on Palliative Care - Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (

Faire rayonner l’espérance : Points saillants du Symposium international interconfessionnel sur les soins palliatifs - Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (


Abp. Ivan Jurkovic (L); Abp. Vincenzo Paglia; Bishop Noel Simard (R)


Pope Francis - Palliative Care - March 5, 2015 - short version

Pope Francis - Palliative Care - March 5, 2015 - full speech

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