General Assembly 2019
Roboethics: Humans, Machines and Health is the title of the Workshop occurred on 25-26 February 2019 during the Assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life (25-27 February).
The Assembly and the Workshop were in Vatican City, Aula Nuova del Sinodo (New Hall of the Synod).
Here the program of the Workshop Here the abstracts book
Full texts of the Reports
First Session: State-of-the-art and different approaches to robotics research and development
Hiroshi Ishiguro: Studies on Interactive Robots
Aude Billard: Robots – ready to work with and for humans?
Second Session: Robotics and interpretation of the world
Luciano Floridi sent a text for reading
Emmanuel Agius: New Challenges and Opportunities for Catholic Theological Reflection
Peter J. Opio: Robotics and the tansformation of economic dymanics
Marita Carballo: Robotics and socio-political issues
Kizito Kiyimba: The Human Underbelly of the Robotics Industry
Third Session: Robotics and Health: what are the ethical implications?
Chris Gastmans: The ethics of care robots in aged care: An overview of ethical
argumentations and concepts Barbara Bass: Computational surgery: new perspectives and implications
Kojiro Honda: Use of Robots in Healthcare: the Japanese Experience and the Relevance of Culture