Archbishop Paglia in Najaf, Irak

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"It is time for a new vision aimed at promoting a humanism of fraternity and solidarity between individuals and peoples".

So said Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia on 9 March in Najaf, Irak, at the 3rd International Conference “Catholics and Shiites facing the future. Two years after Pope Francis' visit to Irak", organized by the Community of Sant'Egidio together with the Al-Khoei Institute of Najaf. The delegation of the Community was composed of the founder Andrea Riccardi, the president Marco Impagliazzo, Abp. Vincenzo Paglia and Cardinals Ayuso, Coutts and Sako (Patriarch of Baghdad of the Chaldeans). On the Shiite side there were many religious from the high Shiite seminary of Najaf, as well as representatives from other countries of the Middle East and Europe.

Press Release - Italian