Presentation of the book Beginning with the Many

Rome, March 27

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Vatican City, March 28, 2023.- Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich SJ, Archbishop of Luxembourg, Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, President of the Pontifical Academy for Life, theologian Msgr. Pierangelo Sequeri, economist Mariana Mazzucato, have presented the book Beginning with the Many. Horizons of Fraternal Thought on March 27 at Sala Marconi (Palazzo Pio, Piazza Pia 3, Rome).

That book is part of the project Rescuing Fraternity – Together, launched in June 2021 with the publication of a Call addressed to the women and men of our time. The Call was developed by a group of ten theologians coordinated by Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia and Msgr. Pierangelo Sequeri:

The book published by Vatican Publishing House, collects ten contributions commenting on the Call Rescuing Fraternity – Together.

The March 27 event was moderated by Andrea Monda, editor-in-chief of “L’Osservatore Romano”, and has featured the Head of the Vatican Publishing House, Lorenzo Fazzini.

In his Foreword to the book, Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia sums up the meaning of this initiative, which today is enriched by this book of further considerations and studies. “It is about creating a real synodal space: it is about listening, discernment, critical and self-critical responsibility among bishops and theologians. A space that is alien to any vindictive logic: where fraternal custom drives out distrustful fear and no one takes over the role of exclusive guardian of the common cause, which includes respect for ministries and gratitude for charisms. Finally, our formula is that of a space that is not occasional, but habitual and continuous, which therefore evolves over time into a garrison of fraternity. A permanent but flexible meeting table: not informal, but not bureaucratic either. In short, an experiment in unity between charism and ministry that is already capable of bringing added value to the synodal and testimonial form of the communio ecclesiae.”

The presentation of the book was attended by the ten theologians who wrote the various contributions.

Il gruppo delle Teologhe e dei Teologi - Rescuing Fraternity-Together - con Mons. Paglia e mons. Sequeri

Il presidente di @PontAcadLife presenta il libro di Sequeri edito da @LVaticana che auspica una nuova alleanza tra intellettuali del mondo religioso e scientifico per la fraternità umana. Perché la #fraternità deve ancora accadere e va tessuta tra la folla scomoda delle moltitudini e nel bel mezzo del caos e della pluralità.

Questo appello si rivolge alle donne e agli uomini del nostro tempo, perché, tutti insieme sulla medesima arca, scegliamo di salvare la fraternità.

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Bene pubblico: correzione delle storture, bene comune=collaborazione alla costruzione di un'economia piena di solidarietà e attenzione alle persone, non ai profitti.

@MazzucatoM abbiamo un'economia reale che é vuota, invece #Francesco non fa bla bla bla, ma dice: tutto quello che si fa, si deve vedere che conseguenze ha sui più vulnerabili.


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